Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Where have we been?!?!

Well.... When taking a look at my last post... it was written October 29. WOW! Time flies by!

So what have we been up to?

At the beginning of November, we found out our family would be making a big move. (I say big as this would be my first move out of the huge state of Mississippi!) As much as I love Mississippi, God was calling us to move way up north to Tennessee. I truly wish I had the time to give you all the intricate details of how amazing God is to orchestrate our lives and lead our paths to bring us here.

Our house in Mississippi sold at record speed for our expectations so the week before Christmas, we loaded up the UHAUL and moved our life to Jackson, TN. We were able to have an awesome holiday with our families- even a short trip with both of our families present before starting this new chapter!

So... what's been going on since we moved to TN?

Where to start? The first 6 weeks we lived in a really neat apartment in the heart of downtown that a sweet family at church allowed us to live in. Matthew's first day of work it was 7 degrees outside and I felt like it didn't warm up much the first several weeks. So... two flights of stairs with 2 babies during the winter was interesting to say the least. But we survived and were blessed to get to meet so many people during our first six weeks while we were still living out of boxes! In the meantime, we found a home that was beyond perfect. So perfect that the sweet family that we bought from has already adopted 1 child and is in the process of adopting 2 more from Africa! Amazing how God works to allow us to get to know this family! And the better news... they only moved a couple of streets over :) We closed on our house February 7, so it has been a huge blessing to be able to have a house to call home!
**Side note: If you want to know how to meet all your neighbors, just call the Fire Department 3 days after you move in a new home at 9:00 at night because you've never used a gas stove before! Word to the wise-- don't ever leave a burner on without a flame for 3 hours while you run errands or you WILL meet all your neighbors in their jammies! 

As he does so well, Satan has been working hard to keep us from being about the Lord's work. Our normally very healthy family has been a little sickly since we moved here... 5 stomach viruses, 4 ear infections, the flu, lots of snotty noses and meeting our insurance deductible within a month and a half later... we are more than excited for spring! As I type this, I have my shorts on, it's 78 degrees, and are about to head outdoors for a 2 on 1 baseball game with my little guys so things are looking up!

I am thankful I have been able to stay home with my sweet babies during this transition. For a long time, my heart has been longing to stay home with our boys and God granted us this opportunity. I will soon start working part time, but I am so thankful for the community of Stay at Home moms here that has been so encouraging while I'm learning the challenges and blessings of staying home with our boys!

Besides the house and sickness business, we have beyond blessed with a church family that has truly taken us under their wings like we have been here forever. I don't know how we could have made it without them! They have been so encouraging and helpful.

Okay now that I've rambled about our life... why most of you read this blog is to keep up with our journey to bring home Matsy Grace. We have had some ups and downs in this process since we found out we were moving including Ethiopia threatening to close down international adoptions. We are blessed that all of that has been worked out and since Friday, I can officially say we are FINALLY moving forward with our adoption. Our homestudy was updated for TN. We were on hold until we moved into our house and could have our social worker come up and update things with our life in TN. That has finally happen and as we speak... my table is covered with paperwork... AGAIN :)

I put that smile there because I am SO THANKFUL to finally be back on the journey to bringing our baby girl home. One of my best friends text me yesterday and told me how much she has been praying for our adoption. Isn't the Holy Spirit just amazing? For the past couple of weeks my heart has been longing to hop on a plane to Africa and hold the next sweet little Powell baby. I know He let her in on my hearts longings and knew Matsy Grace and I both needed her prayers.

I am so thankful for the power of prayer and the praying friends God has placed in my life.

So... Life? It's good. It's full of blessing. Yet, it's still full of longing. Longing for our daughter to have a family and longing for Jesus to make Himself known to the world through us and all of His followers.

For today, my heart is here....

In an orphanage in Ethiopia and enjoying hearing my Noah's voice when I ask him his sister's name... Mat-y Gwace. :)

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