Monday, March 4, 2013

And So The Journey Begins..

Isaiah 1:17 says, “Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless;
plead the case of the widow.”
James 1:27 says, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” 
Psalm 68:5-6 says, “Father to the fatherless, defender of widows— this is God, whose dwelling is holy. God places the lonely in families; he sets the prisoners free and gives them joy.” 

A while back, Matthew (Yes, my husband goes by Frank and Matthew. Because I call him Matthew, he will be Matthew on this blog) and I both had a feeling that we were being called to do something that would require action on our part. We had NO clue what this meant or the journey it would send us on. All we knew is that being a Christian is about much more than filling a pew on Sunday or participating in "church events." We wanted to care for the things that Jesus cared for the most.

We began praying for God to break our hearts for "the least of these." My oh my did God break our hearts for what we now know truly breaks His. When the word adoption came up, we knew it was something we were both interested in. HOWEVER (capitalized because it is a BIG however), it was always one of those "we'd like to one day" topics. With a 1 year old and a baby on the way, surely not NOW God...??? As we began just looking at our options, we both thought we would definitely adopt a child in the U.S. 

Well, there is a huge need for adoption in the states, but God would not take the rest of the world out of our hearts and off of our minds. The questions began. Are we prepared for a transracial family? Can we afford this? Are you sure WE are the ones to do this? Well, God truly has given us such a peace about this decision. He, the GREAT PROVIDER, will supply us with all we need. We have prayed and prayed and researched and researched and prepared and prepared. We can't wait to share Jesus with OUR child!  We know that it will be hard work, but we are prepared to fundraise. We truly believe that God always provides for His callings.

We narrowed it down to 2 countries - Taiwan and Ethiopia. Though every orphan from every country around the world deserves to be shown God's love, we couldn't get Africa from recurring in our prayers. This video pretty much sums it up. So...Why Ethiopia?

We are so excited to bring home our sweet baby girl home! Though the process is long, the day we bring that sweet baby home, it will all be worth it! We have already experienced some road blocks, but we know that God will guide us through this journey with the assistance of your prayers and support!! 


  1. What an incredible testimony! I got chill-bumps just reading your story. How true it is that when God calls you to do something, you cannot run away from it. I'm thanking God for the peace you have in your decision and the trust that He will provide all your needs. What a blessing this was to me today!

  2. Thank Audra! We are so grateful for the prayers!

    I always love the ways God reveals Himself through your awesome SAHM adventures!! :)

  3. This is so amazing! Much prayer with you on this journey. Just wanted to share my friends Allison and Jody who are on the same journey to Ethiopia. Her blog is so inspirational, and I think you may enjoy it. Jody is a pastor at Pinelake, they have 3 kids, and their blog really embraces the whole family and their emotions as they prepare.

    1. Ahh! What an awesome blog! Thank you so much for sharing! I have become a bit obsessed with connecting with anyone connected to this unbelievable country!
